Monday, November 19, 2007

fleets and harbors

America started the official stop-watch on my four days of thankfulness. On Friday I can once again be the greedy consumerist. In honor of the clock ticking, I’ve decided what I am thankful for.

A therapist once told me, “You are the commander of your own ship.” As a child, I regularly stared at a cross-stitch: “A ship in a harbor is safe, but that’s not what ships are made for.”

Through grace, I have seen that I am not a ship out at sea, alone and commanding my own destiny. In the eyes of psycho-therapy and the market system, I suppose I am a loner. If there were fewer material resources in which to place my faith, I would probably have had a stronger belief in community at an earlier point of my life. Community takes a lot of work to stand over and against the individualistic structure of this society; and for me, that reinforces the necessity of it.

So this Thanksgiving, I am thankful for my fleets and harbors, past and present.


Bob Harris said...

I am thankful for Suntory Time.

Unknown said...

i am thankful you are not in a harbor- we need you around and about.